I am getting bigger and bigger. This weekend I passed 5 kg. I have increased my weight by 2/3 since birth.
I really like my home, my bed, my bath, my brother and of course my fathers. My fathers can make me smile using their voices and I have started to make some talking. But, of course, my fathers doesn´t know what I am saying. I have started to sleep all night. So my fathers can put me to bed by 23.00 and I usually sleeps until 06.00-07.00. My fathers think that is good so that they can sleep a lot too. Most of the time I am pleased being a small baby, but I do cry when they doesn´t bring me food quick enough. My interests this far is taking baths (I have been to the swimming place), travelling in the car and in my pram. Unfortunatly I have lost some hair on the back of my head but they say it will be fine soon. My eyes are getting browner and browner.
By the way, I like my nappies.